Our Next Event

From September until the end of April we practice on Monday evenings at

The Skittle Alley, The Coach & Horses,

Poole Road, Wimborne, BH21 1QB

7.45pm - 9.45pm

We welcome new male / female members

No previous experience necessary.

If you would like to try North West Clog-Morris please email your name and contact number to: quaysidecloggie@hotmail.co.uk

Our Next Event:

 Saturday 27 July 2024

 Bridport Folk Festival

    11.00 - 11.45: Old Court opp Waitrose

                          with Enigma & Grimspound

    13.15 - 14.00: Rax Lane with Wild Moon

    14.45 - 15.30: The Tiger Inn, Barrack St                           with Frome Valley